For your peace of mind.
The Straumann Guarantee® favors the attending physician/dentist and covers the replacement of original Straumann® implants, abutments attached to these implants as well as to tooth-supported and implant-supported restorations according to the specific terms and details listed in the official Straumann Guarantee® Form1.
For ceramic abutments and ceramic screw-retained bars and bridges attached to an implant and for tooth- and implant-supported ceramic restorations.
For Straumann® Novaloc® abutments and metal screw-retained bars and bridges attached to an implant and for tooth- and implant-supported metal and resin nano ceramic restorations.
Finalized restorations are replaced with equivalent implant and equivalent metal abutment, if necessary
This is an addition (to the Straumann Guarantee®) for Roxolid® implants: replacement with equivalent implant and equivalent abutment, if necessary, and treatment compensation if the implant fractures.2
To submit an e-complaint, log in to our eShop and follow this path: Self-service>New return/Product issue feedback>Report a product issue.
1 Please contact your local Straumann representative for further detailed information on the terms and conditions of the Straumann Guarantee® in your country. 2 If reported after 1 January 2016. Compensation conditions vary for every country where the Lifetime+ is offered: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America.
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