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Frühere Studien
Projekt | Titel | Leitender Prüfarzt | Neodent Produkte | Studientyp | Link zu Publimed |
0104/15 | Macrogeometry influence on the physical characterization of osseointegrable dental implant surface. | Helder Henrique Machado de Menezes | Drive, Alvim und Titamax EX Implantate | In vitro | PMID 26252030 |
0204/15 | Removal torque comparative study of conical abutments (Morse come) with and without index, before and after thermomechanical fatigue tests. | Carmem Dolores Vilarinho Soares de Moura | Universalsekundärteil | In vitro | PMID 27881313 |
0308/15 | Implant osseointegration in grafted areas with different osteoconductive biomaterials: Effect of low intensity laser irradiation and implant surface modifications. | Guilherme José Pimental Lopes de Oliveira | Acqua Behandlung Oberfläche | Tierstudie | PMID 30238514 |
0109/15 | Evaluation of peri-implant stresses arising from different dental materials. Finite-Elemente-Analyse | Manuel Tomás Borges Radaelli | Titamax CM und Universalsekundärteile | Computerbasierte Studie | PMID 29724560 |
0504/15 | The influence of leukocyte and platelet rich fibrin on bone regeneration after maxillary sinus augmentation: a radomized clinical trial. | Elton Carlos Pichotano | Titamax Ex Acqua Implantate | Klinische Studie | PMID 29457934 PMID 30690860 |
0506/15 | In vitro evaluation of mechanical resistance to vertical displacement in polyurethane jaws submitted to osteotomy for inferior alveolar nerve lateralization and dental implant placement. | Mariana Schaffer Brackmann | Titamax Implantate | In vitro | PMID 30908434 |
0207/15 | Implant-supported rehabilitation after treatment of atrophic mandibular fractures. | Valfrido Antonio Pereira Filho | Titamax Ex Acqua Implantate | Klinischer Fall | PMID 25994530 |
0211/16 | Biomechanical behavior of narrow diameter dental implants. | Flavio Domingues das Neves | Facility Implantate | In vitro | PMID 31202549 |
1312/16 | Biological and functional performance of small diameter dental implants with different surface treatments in total edentulous patients. | Fernanda Faot | Facility Implantate (Neoporos und Acqua) | Klinische Studie | PMID 28710652 PMID 28741684 PMID 28355313 PMID 29577575 PMID 29218786 |