Do you want to deepen your knowledge and complement your theoretical learnings with a practical session?
The Learn in a Box for Pro Arch with BLX gives you the opportunity to conduct a hands-on exercise on an edentulous mandible model, placing 4 Straumann® BLX Implants for a fixed restoration on screw-retained abutments. You will be guided through this Pro Arch exercise with a step-by-step hands-on video, which also shows you how to take an impression and the workflow to transform the prosthetic guide into an immediate provisional prosthesis
In addition, learning content such as the Basic Information on the Straumann® BLX Implant System as well as Straumann® Pro Arch can be accessed via QR code.
Complement your learning journey
with a hands-on experience
Straumann® Pro Arch BLX
Request your Learn in a Box
By filling in this form, you request a Learn in a Box for a hands-on exercise. You will be contacted by your local Straumann® sales representative who will provide you with the Learn in a Box kit and the necessary instrumentation*.
*Local limitations may apply.