Access to our resources and training materials for 3Shape TRIOS® Intraoral Scanner.
What users need to get started with TRIOS® – from an e-learning course on the fundamentals to a final Certificate of Completion.
A cloud-based collaboration platform that lets you share your intraoral scans with partners.
The hub to learn about all options with TRIOS®, as well as stay updated, participate in discussion forums, support FAQ and find events.
3Shape TRIOS® Intraoral Scanner.
Access to our resources and training materials for Virtuo Vivo™ Intraoral Scanner.
A website where you can learn the features and software functions of Virtuo Vivo™ Intraoral Scanner.
Virtuo Vivo™ Intraoral Scanner.
Access to our resources and training materials for Medit Intraoral Scanner.
A website where you can find excellent training video materials.
A workflow management and communication tool designed to enhance your performance
Access to our resources and training materials for Series 7 software - CARES® Visual.
A website where you can learn the features and software functions of the CARES® Visual software.
Access to our resources and training materials for Medit Lab Scanners.
Medit Lab Scanners.
Access to our resources and training materials for Straumann® P series.
Watch RapidShape tutorial and workflow videos on YouTube
Access HowTo guides, installation files, recorded webinars and other related documents.
Straumann® P series. Outstanding precision and productivity.
Access to our resources and training materials for milling machines.
Access to our resources and training materials.
A website where you can learn the features and software functions of the CARES® Visual Chairside software.
CARES® Visual. The digital backbone for all Straumann® CARES® Digital solutions.
Access to our resources and training materials for Smile in a Box™.
Smile in a Box™. Focus on your passion - we take care of the rest.
Access to our resources and training materials for Scan & Shape.
Scan & Shape. 100% Straumann precision. 0% investment.
Connectivity. Easing complexity through connectivity.
Access to our resources and training materials for coDiagnostiX®.
Watch coDiagnostiX® tutorial and workflow videos on YouTube.
Visit the website, schedule live trainings and stay informed.
coDiagnostiX®. More than an implant planning software. A practice differentiator.