Customized learning experience
Mentorship Program – customized learning experience
The Mentorship program was designed in collaboration with the ITI - International Team of Implantology, aiming to connect clinicians from all over the world for a fully customized learning experience.
As a mentee, you can choose what works best for you: online, face-to-face, or a hybrid format. The program can also be tailor-made to attend to your specific availability of time and needs, using the latest technology with augmented reality tools. One of these tools that allow remote clinical mentoring is the Smart Glasses. These glasses enable mentors and mentees to interact in real-time through imaging and sound from any part of the world.
The mentors are a group of selected clinicians and educators with extensive experience in both theory and hands-on practice, that will be sharing their expertise on three different pathways:
- Clinical Practice: Advisory, hands-on exercises with Virtual Reality and Learn in a Box, live surgery over the shoulder, or under mentor supervision with the aid of the Smart Glasses.
- Academic: Advisory on Academic development.
- Practice growth: Advisory on practice management, patient communication, revenue & DSO related topics.
Straumann Augment Tools used in the Mentorship Program
A new learning experience
Augmented Reality in Dental Education
Benefits for the Mentee
Improve self-confidence and be introduced to the latest tools to handle complex cases or challenges.
Opportunity to develop new skills on different area of expertise.
Have a mentor as a role model, guide and facilitator; independently from the geographic location.
Opportunity to choose a learning format tailored to the needs.
‘On the job’ support and training – not in a conventional classroom scenario.
Build and grow his/her network.